Friends, wrap your head with duct tape (to prevent it from exploding). It’s Down-the-Rabbit-Hole time!
If you’re age 40 years or older, you’d probably remember January 28, 1986.
That was day of the Challenger disaster, when the NASA Space Shuttle orbiter Challenger broke apart 73 seconds into its flight over the Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of Cape Canaveral, Florida at 11:38 EST. All seven crew members were killed, including five NASA astronauts and two payload specialists.
Millions of Americans (17% of the total population) watched the launch live on TV because of Payload Specialist Christa McAuliffe, the first teacher in space. Media coverage of the explosion was extensive: one study reported that 85% of Americans surveyed had heard the news within an hour of the accident.
We were told that Challenger disintegrated because of a malfunctioning O-ring seal in its right solid rocket booster. The O-ring failure caused a breach in the SRB joint it sealed, allowing pressurized burning gas from within the solid rocket motor to reach the outside and impinge upon the adjacent SRB aft field joint attachment hardware and external fuel tank, leading to the structural failure of the external tank. Aerodynamic forces broke up the orbiter.
The crew compartment and many other vehicle fragments were eventually recovered from the ocean floor after a lengthy search and recovery operation. The exact timing of the death of the crew is unknown; several crew members are known to have survived the initial breakup of the spacecraft. But the shuttle had no escape system, and the impact of the crew compartment with the ocean surface was too violent to be survivable.
The disaster resulted in a 32-month hiatus in NASA’s shuttle program and the formation of the Rogers Commission, a special commission appointed by then President Ronald Reagan to investigate the accident. The commission found NASA’s organizational culture and decision-making processes had been key contributing factors to the accident.
These are the names of Challenger’s 7 crew members:
- Francis Richard Scobee, Commander
- Michael J. Smith, Pilot
- Ronald McNair, Mission Specialist
- Ellison Onizuka, Mission Specialist
- Judith Resnik, Mission Specialist
- Gregory Jarvis, Payload Specialist
- Christa McAuliffe, Payload Specialist
But wait!
What if someone were to tell you that most, if not all, of Challenger’s 7 crew members are still alive and thriving in their new professions, contrary to what we’ve been told?
That is the contention of simonshack and other contributors on the chat forum, They claim 6 of the 7 Challenger crew members are still alive; some even kept their names. Here’s their evidence. (Note: referenced a short article by Darrell Foss on Opob News, “Was the Challenger disaster a hoax?,” March 2015, as their first source.)
Click pic below to enlarge
1. Francis Richard Scobee, Commander of Challenger Space Shuttle
Born on May 19, 1939, Commander Francis Richard Scobee was 46 when he died in the Challenger explosion. He would be 75 years old if he were alive today.
Strangely, there’s a man also named Richard Scobee, the CEO of a Chicago marketing-advertising company called Cows in Trees, who bears a striking resemblance (factoring in the 30-year timelapse) to Commander Richard Scobee — same high forehead, same eyebrows, same wide-set eyes that are slightly tilted down in their outer corners.
The source of the pic on the right of CEO Richard Scobee is his LinkedIn page.
If you go on Cows in Trees’ website, you’ll see an animation of a rocket-powered cow in the sky with swirling smoke shaped like the number 6, much like Space Shuttle Challenger as it was seen on TV exploding in mid-air. Wink, wink. CEO Richard Scobee sure has a sense of humor! /sarc
2. Michael J. Smith, Pilot of Challenger
Born on April 30, 1945, Challenger pilot Michael John Smith was 41 years old when he died in the explosion.
There’s a man also named Michael J. Smith, who bears a striking resemblance to astronaut Michael J. Smith — same horizontal eyebrows, same grey-blue eyes, same vertical indentation in the tip of the nose. This Michael J. Smith is a Professor Emeritus (retired) of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, whose email address is
Astronaut Michael J. Smith would be 70 years old if he were still alive today. Well, hot diggidy damn, there just happens to be a 69-year-old Michael J. Smith (the professor?) whose addresses include Madison, Wisconsin! (He’s #74 on this LookUpAnyone list.)
3. Ronald McNair, Challenger’s Mission Specialist
Born on Oct. 21, 1950, Challenger’s mission specialist Ronald McNair, the second African-American astronaut, with a Ph.D. in physics, would be 64 years old if he had not perished in the space shuttle explosion. If Ronald (l) were still alive today, he would look just like this pic of his brother, Carl (r).
Carl McNair is an author, education consultant and inspirational speaker. He is the founder and president emeritus of the Ronald E. McNair Foundation in honor of his brother. Here’s Carl’s LinkedIn page. (Please scroll down to my Update of May 9, 2015, for the results of my search on for the birth record(s) of Carl McNair.)
4. Ellison Onizuka, Challenger Mission Specialist
Another Challenger mission specialist, Ellison Onizuka, the first Japanese-American astronaut, also has a lookalike brother named Claude. Born on June 24, 1946 in Hawaii, Ellison would be 68 years old today if he had not died in the Challenger explosion. If Ellison were still alive, he would look just like this pic of his younger brother Claude — same eyebrows, same eyes, same crow’s feet wrinkles, same nose, even the same hair-parting.
Claude Onizuka is a Liquor Adjudication Board Member of the Department of Liquor Control, County of Hawaii, Hilo, Hawaii. (Please scroll down to my Update of May 9, 2015, for the results of my search on for the birth record(s) of Claude Onizuka.)
5. Judith Resnik, Challenger Mission Specialist
Born on April 5, 1949, Challenger mission specialist Judith Arlene Resnik, with a Ph.D. in electrical engineering, was the first Jewish American astronaut to go into space and the second female American astronaut. She would be 66 years old today if she had not died in the explosion.
If she were alive today, it is not difficult to imagine that after 29 years, astronaut Judith Resnik would look like Arthur Liman Professor of Law Judith Resnik at Yale Law School — dark curly hair, dark eyes, same eyebrow shape, same lines on both sides of the face extending up from the jaw.
Simonshack draws our attention to how both Judith Resnicks’ upper lips form a slight peak (on their left) when they speak:
I searched for “Judith Resnik” whose birthday was April 5, 1949 (according to Wikipedia). While there are burials and obituaries for Judith Resnik who was born April 4 or 5, 1949 and died on Jan. 28, 1986 (see below the screenshot I took), I looked through’s 241 death records for the last name Resnik but cannot find the SSDI for astronaut Judith Resnik or any other Judith Resnik. The only Resnik SSDIs I found are for Gerald Resnik, Paul Resnik, Sharon Resnik, Wulf Resnik, Michael Resnik, Charles Resnik, Stanley Resnik, Gary Resnik, Daniel Resnik, Donald Resnik, and Patricia Resnik. There is no SSDI for Judith Resnik.
? Click image below to enlarge ?
6. Sharon Christa McAuliffe, Challenger Payload Specialist
Born on Sept. 2, 1948, Sharon Christa McAuliffe was a social studies teacher at Concord High School in New Hampshire when she was selected from more than 11,000 applicants to participate in the NASA Teacher in Space Project. If Challenger had not exploded, she would be the first teacher in space. If she had not died in the Challenger disaster, McAuliffe would be 66 years old today.
Well, there’s a Sharon A. McAuliffe, an adjunct professor at Syracuse University College of Law, who kinda looks like an older astronaut McAuliffe, factoring in the 30 years timelapse. Look at the cowlick of hair, sweeping from the center of their hairlines to the left side of their foreheads.
I searched for the SSDI for “Sharon McAuliffe,” with the birthdate of Sept. 2, 1948. I found grave/burial indexes for Sharon Christa McAuliffe and an SSDI for a Sha McAuliffe. See screenshot I took below (click to enlarge):
Simonshack points us that “It may also be entirely coincidental” that Syracuse law professor Sharon is a cousin of Terry McAuliffe, the current governor of Virginia who was co-chairman of President Bill Clinton’s 1996 re-election campaign and chairman of Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign. Terry McAuliffe, an advocate of gun control, is also very much concerned about NASA funding issues. See here and here.
In the end we need to ask ourselves this question:
It’s one thing that one of the Challenger’s crew members resembles someone alive today. For that, we can chalk it up to a coincidence.
It’s another thing entirely that SIX members of the Challenger crew have doppelgängers who are alive, in some cases with exactly the same names (Richard Scobee, Michael J. Smith, Judith Resnick, Sharon McAuliffe). What are the chances of that?
You don’t have to be an expert in mathematics to know that those odds defy statistical probability.
H/t FOTM’s Martha Trowbridge
Update (May 1, 2015):
On the genealogy website, I found the SSDIs of Francis Richard Scobee, Michael J. Smith, Ronald McNair, Ellison Onizuka, Gregory Jarvis, and a “Sha McAuliffe” (see above in the section on McAuliffe), but not of Judith Resnik (as I explained above in the section on her above. Here are the screenshots I took of the SSDIs of Scobee, Smith, McNair, Onizuka, and Jarvis. (Click to enlarge)
It should be said that although SSDI presumably has the imprimatur of the U.S. government, we still have reasons to be skeptical. I refer you to the curious case of Adam Lanza, who on Dec. 14, 2012, allegedly shot to death, first his mother Nancy, then 20 children and 6 adults at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. We are told that he then shot himself in the head minutes before the police arrived at the school.
Genealogy sites such as initially had Adam Lanza’s SSDI with a date of death (DOD) as Dec. 13, 2012 — one day BEFORE the massacre. Then when bloggers discovered that strange DOD, the genealogy websites quickly changed his DOD to Dec. 14, 2012. See:
- SSDI changed Adam Lanza’s date-of-death from Dec. 13 to Dec. 14, 2012 !!!
- still has Adam Lanza’s date-of-death as a day before the Sandy Hook massacre
Update (May 9, 2015): The Search for 2 Brothers
Carl McNair
I searched on for a “Carl McNair,” who claims to be the brother of astronaut Ronald McNair. Carl S. McNair’s LinkedIn page says his birthdate is Dec. 16; Wikipedia’s page on Ronald McNair says his parents are Carl C. and Pearl M. McNair. So I asked to search all “birth, baptism and christening” records for “Carl McNair,” born on Dec. 16, whose father is Carl McNair and mother is Pearl McNair.
Result of search: Just one record in Texas Birth Certificates 1903-1932, that of Herschel John McNair, born on 12 Oct 1912 – Rosewood, Upshur, whose father was William McNair and mother was Pearl Watkins.
In other words, according to, there is no Carl McNair, brother of Ronald McNair. Here’s the screenshot I took of’s search results, with the time (10:18 AM) and date (5/9/2015) when I took it in the lower right corner (circled in red).
? Click image to enlarge ?
Just to be sure, I re-did my search for “Carl McNair,” this time without specifying the names of the parents. There were 8,850 results. So I narrowed the search to “Carl McNair,” whose father’s last name is McNair and whose mother’s first name is Pearl. That narrowed the results to 8,980, which include all persons whose last name is McNair or similar-sounding last names, e.g., McNare, McNear, Mackner. Of those 8,980 results, I found no Carl McNair whose father’s name is (also) Carl McNair and whose mother’s first name is Pearl.
No parent names were given for these 3 Carl McNairs:
- Carl W. McNair, b. Sept 2, 1950
- Carl F. McNair, b. Feb. 9, 1954
- Marcus Carl McNair, b. Dec. 23, 1952
Since astronaut Ronald McNair was born on Oct. 21, 1950, we can rule out #1 Carl W. McNair, born on Sept. 2, 1950, as Ronald’s brother. That leaves us with Carl. F. McNair and Marcus Carl McNair.
Claude Onizuka
I also asked to search for the birth records of “Claude Onizuka,” the alleged brother of astronaut Ellison Onizuka. According to Wikipedia’s entry on Ellison Onizuka, his father was the late Masamitsu Onizuka, his mother is Mitsue Onizuka.
Result of search: “Your search for Claude Onizuka returned zero good matches.”
Just to be sure, I re-did the search for “Claude Onizuka,” this time without putting in the names of the parents. There were 36 results, none of which is Claude Onizuka. In other words, according to, no one named Claude Onizuka had ever been born in the United States.
Wow! This is rather strange. As I looked at the pictures of Robert McNair, as opposed to Carl McNair–we see that Carl has a gap between his front teeth, that is not visable in the picture of Robert. In this instance, that seems to discount that these two people are the same person. In the first set of pictures of Judith Resnick, it is noticeable that the younger Resnick has lips that are much smaller, thiner that the picture of the older Resnick. Whereas, usually with age lips tend to thin out, rather than become plumper. In the instance of McAuliffe, they do not necessarily look like the same person. I would wonder why the government would perpetrate a lie such as this on the American people? I mean, I would not put it past them . . . I jut don’t understand the payoff for them. Can anyone enlighten me?
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Auntie Lulu do you still think human kind has ever landed on the moon? + hundreds of other videos, satan’s job is to get rid of God in your life, & put science & evolution in God’s place.
You. Are. Bat. Shit. Crazy.
the big trick that they are getting us all to fall for is not whether or not we landed on the moon; it is what did they find there? remember we are all like cattle, even the smart ones of us. step back see big pic than run.
Armstrong Refuses To Swear On The Bible He walked On The Moon
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I’ve seen headlines on this but not the actual video footage until now. Thank you.
Why was Neil Armstrong so defensive? The best defense being offense, it is most telling that Armstrong not only refused the $5,000 in cash for his choice of charities, but went on the attack, accusing the man, “Knowing you, that’s probably a fake Bible,” (O:34 mark) in order to NOT swear on the Bible that he’d walked on the Moon.
If I had walked on the Moon, I would give the man a big smile, happily swear on the Bible, then take the $5,000 in cash and donate it to an honest animal charity. (Unlike human Americans, animals don’t get the many endless forms of govt welfare — food stamps, Section 8 housing, Aid to Families With Dependent Children, Social Security Disability, etc. etc. etc. — but must depend solely on the kindness of strangers.)
Auntie LL:
I agree about Carl McNair having a gap in his front teeth, but I disagree about Prof. Judith Resnik having fuller lips than astronaut Judith Resnik. It’s enough that we find ONE instance of a Challenger crew member having a double — Michael J. Smith is a striking example. But to have more than 2 crew members having lookalike doubles (always factoring in the 30-year aging effects), then to have the doubles having the exact same names as the crew members simply defy random-chance probability.
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The teeth are different on the two Michael J. Smiths. Also, the lines about the mouth aren’t there in the younger man. (At 40 yrs old, the lines would be there.)
I went to the original forum and read quite a lot. (Interesting!) The posters considered the idea that perhaps ‘they’ used chosen similar doubles for who-knows-why.
Wow! Thanks for sharing!
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This needs further investigation because the u.s gov cannot be trusted with anything,they killed 3000 people on 9/11,those rats are capable of anything..
Plastic surgery and the van allen belt.
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What does the Van Allen radiation belt at high altitudes in the magnetic field of the Earth have to do with Challenger or its crew members?
I’m definitely no expert on the subject, but this is my train of thought. If by some miracle, the crew of the challenger did survive and the blow-up was indeed by a mistake on NASA’s part, what is the first thing that is going to happen? MAJOR bad press for NASA and questioning of the safety and efficiency of their multi-billion dollar program. So, IF they survived, the safest thing for NASA to do would be to institute a MAJOR pay-off of the crew members and help them “start over” with a new life somewhere else. Money would be an incentive to the crew to keep their mouth shut, and NASA would avoid an even more questionable reputation. Everybody wins.
Shocker… you are missing the big point… this is no mistake… this is all a fraud… they did this for a reason… no mistake was made, in fact, this was a very intricate operation… open your eyes!!
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I am shocked as well. Something must have happened to make NASA want to stop the space program to the moon. As far as the gap, I had perfect teeth in my youth, I lost a few molars and my front teeth moved, now I have not one but two large gaps. The pics of Judith Resnik were quite compelling, but I see no resemblance with Christa McCauliffe, then and now.
I’m speechless!! LOL?? Looking for tape now. ;-)
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Wow! Dr. Eowyn, this is just incredible! We know about the Boston and SH frauds being done today, but if this is true, then it’s been going on a lot longer than any of us thought!
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It’s been going since the early hominids. Plain trickery to fool the masses. This is just a stupid Disney hoax nobody gives a damn about.
Reblogged this on Your Dog Wouldn't Like It and commented:
This seriously needs investigating.
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Oh no! It’s through the looking glass time again! I can feel myself getting sucked into the vortex! Help me! I’m getting smaller! :D
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OK, I’m on this & will contact all my friends in relevant fields, then get back to Eo.
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Okay okay okay…
Mind eyes just uncrossed, my head stopped spinning.
Now I have one BIG question.
This would have been such supremely great news for a heartbroken nation, what would have motivated the government to hide it?
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TD and Auntie LL:
If this is true, I have no idea what the motive and purpose would be. It took everything from me to pick my jaw up from the floor and do this post! LOL
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As I was racing to the train just now I puzzled over it. If the story is true, AND they covered it up, then they have something to hide. Something big. Is it an escape system they don’t want anyone to know about? Was the shuttle uninhabited the whole time? Is our entire space program a fraud? Was the crash deliberately engineered as an emotional distraction from some other thing that was carried out secretly in the same time period, some “star wars” military launch?
Or… are we nuts for even contemplating it?
Has anyone seen a large white rabbit running with a pocket watch in his hand?
IF it is true, then we have evidence that the individuals were respected by that administration. Were it to happen under Obama or a Clinton, they would probably have been eliminated, like Ron Brown, Vince Foster and Joan Rivers.
Oh!!! There goes the rabbit!!! Sorry, I have to go catch him!!!
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I’m on it, traildustfotm: trust me that you’ll read it here first, if there’s anything to this besides ‘show business’ BS.
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I vote for “Is our entire space program a fraud?” and “Something big. Is it an escape system they don’t want anyone to know about?”
From the same

NASA’s identical footage of 4 different shuttles in different years/different weather conditions/different times of the day:
The 4 pics are actually GIFs generated from 4 separate YouTube videos:
Here are the source-references for the 4 shots above:
shot1: ENDEAVOUR (STS111)- june 5, 2002:
shot2: ENDEAVOUR (STS127) – july 15, 2009:
shot3: DISCOVERY (STS 121) – july 4, 2006 :
shot4: DISCOVERY (STS 133) – february 24, 2011:
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Dr Eowyn . . . thank you so much for the time and effort you put in. I was not questioning the total validity of this information. I guess, I just don’t like to think that the government has been lying to us for this long, but then look at the JFK incident. Perhaps, this was the governments way of backing off spending untold millions for space research! I just don’t know. It rather breaks my heart that there are, seemingly, so many people who are “ready and willing” to make a pact with the devil and become a part of these far fetched conspiracys. I think that people who are basically honest at heart feel that others are also honest at heart–therefore, we are duped by those who come up with this kind of stuff. I would agree, on the whole–how could there possibly be this many “doubles” relative to one particular incident.
I’m not saying I put ANYTHING past our government.. however, it appears to me that in many of the pictures, the ears are shaped entirely differently than the original. hard to tell as angle and hairstyles interfere with a good comparison…
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I tried to scrutinize the ears as well, because one can’t fake ears. But as you pointed out, “angle and hairstyles interfere with a good comparison,” so we really can’t compare the ears.
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Most portraits of government operatives (eg. Sandy Hook; Columbine High School; Obots) are altered via Photoshop.
STEP 1 = Zoom in close.
STEP 2 = Look for straight lines/seams (edits) around the eyes; ears; nose; jawline.
Once you start doing this, you’ll find all sorts of bizarre edits. I’ve seen sloppy edits to ears and noses, but always the eyes.
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I’m calling it a night. Please don’t tell the Queen of Hearts where I am. :D
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I have an idea about the why. Having the challenger explode enabled the shutting down of the space program for years right? During this time the Soviets were allowed to catch up in a manner of speaking even if only as a myth. Not having space wars also enabled the antagonistic dialogue between both countries to simmer down. Meanwhile plans were being made fort the soviets to take down the wall and declare communism dead.
Of course the wall coming down really just meant the stealthy and quicker infiltration of collectivist, totalitarian ideas into the west. Many people are not aware of this but in 1985 I beleive Reagan signed an agreement with Gorby to merge our education curriculums. The basics of the exchange is that we would provide the Russians with our tech expertise and they would provide us with all their classroom mind control wisdom. ( Common Core is the Outcome based result creating the dumbed down perfect compliant worker )
Anyway .. I digress…. But I think the point was to create space, no pun intended, to allow the dialectic to move to the next stage. The Challenger ( word play! ) was the synthesis of the thesis /US and the antithesis/Soviets.
Don’t forget the demographic makeup of the astronauts on board covered all bases. That in itself was very symbolic. You might say Global in its representation.
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mc . . . what you have said does indeed make very good sense. It’s just lousy that the government isn’t upfront about what’s going on.
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Why keep the same names?
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My guess: A combination of CONFIDENCE that the public will never discover the hoax (1986 was before the Internet) and in-your-face ARROGANCE.
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I’ve come very late to this party, but I hope you’re still tracking this thread. I think we have to go back, and determine the real purpose of the shuttle program. Was it an innocuous, civilian scientific endeavour, or was there a hidden military purpose? Go back into the archives and retrieve the recordings of Dr. Beter in which he alleges that the Space Shuttle was being used to get surveillance of Russia to update targeting for a nuclear strike. He also alleges that the Soviets defended themselves by shooting down Columbia…several times! In each case, a substitute Columbia was used to provide the American viewers with a safe return landing scene so they would never know what was going on behind the scenes.
Hate to “fact check” stuff Simon Shack is telling me (or the guy calling himself Simon Shack) but the woman called Sharon Christa McAuliffe
is in fact clearly Laurel Clark, you can even read her name tag:
So, not sure why Simon Shack is yet again stretching the truth and making stuff up, guess he needs to prove his point?
Clark allegedly died aboard Columbia.. She is also a UW-Madison character, but it’s important not to be spreading misinformation.
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Yes, I noticed that too. That picture is of Laurel Clark, not Christa McAuliffe. The name is clearly visible on her NASA jump suit. Supposedly, Christa was on board the Challenger, not Laurel Clark. So why has Dr. Eowyn used a picture of Laurel to make his point? Please explain.
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Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I got the pic from I’ve replaced the pic with one of Sharon Christa McAuliffe.
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Just to add that the government is capable of deceiving us and so is the media. I read some of the commenters here did not think that the people in the photos looked like the ones “killed.” Got to remember, this was in 1986 and people do change their looks as they age. I remember how heart broken I was at the time,Being lied to did not cross my mind,but now that I am older and hopefully wiser,I want the people responsible for these fake HOAXES to be held accountable.I do not think that is too much to ask.
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I still vividly remember Jan. 26, 1986. I was just about to go teach a morning class when my husband, his face ashen, told me the news. All of America grieved for Sharon Christa McAuliffe.
We can argue back and forth about ears, or a tooth gap, or whether law professor Sharon McAuliffe resembles astronaut Sharon Christa McAuliffe, but please use your heads:
If just ONE of Challenger’s crew members is still alive (the most convincing one is pilot/professor Michael J. Smith — look at their pics, they’re the same man), that means we had been lied to and NO ONE died in the “explosion.”
I will admit, the most damning fact is that the Social Secuity Death Index does not show entries for any of these people! Just based on that one fact, the story that these individuals died in this horrific accident tends to make the reader feel it was a put-up job! I wonder about the families of the people involved–how is it that they all kept quiet? Or, was it a situation, similar to going into “witness protection” where one severed all communication with loved ones? If that is true, what kind of people are these?
Auntie LL,
I tried to verify what claimed, that there’s no SSDI on any of the 7 crew members. I found the SSDIs of all the male crew members: Scobee, Smith, McNair, Onizuka, and Jarvis. I found the SSDI for a “Sha McAuliffe” with Sharon Christa McAuliffe’s birthdate of Sept. 2, 1948 and a death-date of Jan. 1986. But I could not find an SSDI for any Judith Resnik.
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Well it must be a bunch of fools looking this info up because I found everyone but Judith Resnik (which they had spelled wrong) She was unmarried and no immediate family there for no one to file her death with Social security for benefits Burial or otherwise!! Come on now you bunch of GULLIBLE suckers!!
Give us the links to your source, please. In the meantime, I will search through’s records for the SSDIs of the 7 crew members.
Actually, Judith Resnik’s last name is spelled as Resnik, not Resnick. Please scroll up for the section on Judith Resnik for the result of my search for her SSDI on
Actually according to NASA and Wikipedia, it IS Resnik, not Resnick?
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You are correct. It is Resnik, not Resnick. I’ve made the needed corrections. Thank you, SEO!
For some reasson they searched the ssdi for deaths in feb 1986, when in fact they should’ve searched jan 1986… Thats a big differnce… Can anyone search the right date?
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Thank you, Vin, for noticing the mistake made on I conducted a search on for the SSDIs of the crew members, using their birthdates. Please scroll up to the end of my post for my UPDATE.
NWO is simply the OWO with an upgrade. The ruling crime syndicate is ancient. This feudal cabal has only every been increasing their wealth & power for millennia. They’ve lost a strategic battle here & there, over the centuries, sacrificed an emperor, king, czar, or fuhrer here & there, although they’re sometimes spirited away & allowed to live out their lives in comfortable exile. But, the show goes on. As long as their Abrahamic Mythos remains in place, we can be sure it’s the same Mob ruling the world. ROMAN ZIONIST BABYLON EMPIRE suffers no displacement. It’s all about the money. They own it all, being cunning enough to keep the enslaved legions divided & too busy distrusting & fighting each other to recognize there is ONE ring to rule them all & in the darkness bind them.
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^ This guys got his shit together.
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A famous super model of the seventies, whose name escapes me now, had a pronounced gap betwen her front teeth, but usually wore a cap that filled in the gap. Also, lip fillers are one of the most common procedures used by women to counteract effects of aging around the mouth. Hollywood actresses OFTEN have plumper lips as they age, as a result.
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Lauren Hutten?
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No, Cheryl Teigs. Also Madonna.
I have always been suspicious of the alleged “Challenger’s disaster”. For instance, the Nazis used the media to turn many against the Jews, by making films depicting them as diseased rats. The media is full of trickery and wizardry. I have heard politicians, especially George W. Bush, speak about “shadow government”, which never escapes my ears when hearing it. Another way to create false information mind control is through the media. Good article Dr. Eowyn! Leeann
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When I first saw this story a few weeks ago, I too was really perplexed as to what the motive behind this “hoax’ would have been. Clearly, there seemed to be an explosion that millions witnessed – that does seem to have happened.
The most viable answer I could find was was that there were no astronauts on board, as the astronaut part of the Challenger scenario was a hoax (as it was an empty vessel). When the Challenger unexpectedly exploded, all of a sudden the powers that be were faced with the quandary that they should have dead astronauts.
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Wow. Wow. Wake up, will ya? FDR is dead. Truman’s at the helm!
If an illegal Kenyan can have a fake birth certificate made, and be elected as POTUS, then fake death dates can be created too. There are photography companies, such as Phoe-Joe, that can make age-regression /progression images from any photo that is clearly visible of individuals. The FBI often solves cases, using those methods. Personally, I have a healthy amount of paranoia when it concerns government. Leeann
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has anyone searched for records of those that claim to be “brothers” of the ones who died to see if they ever actually existed?
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That’s an excellent idea. I will do the search tomorrow and get back to you.
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Sorry for taking so long to get back to you, but I sorta forgot. LOL
You asked a simply SUPERB question. I searched on for the birth records of the (alleged) brothers of astronauts Ronald McNair and Ellison Onizuka. Please scroll up to the Update at the end of my post for the results, or go to!
Plagiarism hey. I see no links to the original writer of this!
Actually, I did name as well as embed a link in my post to my source:
As for your link to the post on Opob News ( which you accuse me of plagiarizing, if you can’t see the differences between the Opob post and my post here on FOTM, then you need reading glasses.
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This is a listing from Wikipedia:
Casualties January 28, 1986
Francis R. Scobee, Commander
Michael J. Smith, Pilot
Ronald McNair, Mission Specialist
Ellison Onizuka, Mission Specialist
Judith Resnik, Mission Specialist
Greg Jarvis, Payload Specialist
Christa McAuliffe, Payload Specialist
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Dr. Eowyn: I just took a bit of time, looked up each of the 7 astronauts on Wiki, then used their correct name, birth date, location and date of date of death in SSDI and found 5 of them listed correctly with their matching data. However, Sharon Christa Corrigan McAuliffe and Francis Richard “Dick” Scobee are not shown with any variation that I used on SSDI website.
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Thank you, bwarerinos, for your time and effort!
I searched for the SSDI of all 7 of the Challenger crew members. I found the SSDIs of all 5 male members (I searched for “Francis Scobee”), an SSDI for a “Sha McAuliffe,” but no SSDI for any Judith Resnik. Please scroll up to my UPDATE at the end of my post. Did you find an SSDI for Judith Resnik?
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Yes, SSDI for Judith Arlene Resnik (April 5, 1949 – January 28, 1986)
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Link or screenshot of the source page, please. I could not find any SSDI for any Judith Resnik.
Name: Judith A. Resnik
Birth: 5 Apr 1949 – Akron, OH
Death: 28 Jan 1986 – Launch of the CHALLENGER
Other: Arlington, Virginia, USA
Name: Judith A. Resnik
Birth: 5 Apr 1949
Death: 28 Jan 1986 – Cape Canaveral, Brevard County, Florida, USA|0|1652393|0|2|3245|12|0|370|16081|0|&MSAV=0&uidh=000
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The Cleveland Jewish News Obituary Index, 1964-2007
Death, Burial, Cemetery & Obituaries
Name: Dr. Judith Resnik
Birth: April 5, 1950 – Akron, OH (all other records show 1949)
Death: 28 Jan 1986
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Thank you, bwarerinos. I conducted the same search and found the same results. Alas, both of the records you posted in your two comments are BURIAL/OBITUARY records, not the United States Social Security Death Index (SSDI), which is generated from the Social Security Administration’s Death Master File. Anyone can place a burial or obituary notice, but the SSDI presumably has the imprimatur of the U.S. government, although even here, we have reasons to doubt as the case of alleged Sandy Hook mass murderer Adam Lanza shows. Genealogy sites such as initially had Adam Lanza’s SSDI with a date of death (DOD) as Dec. 13, 2012 — one day BEFORE he supposedly shot to death 20 kids & 7 adults (incl. his mom, Nancy). Then when bloggers discovered that DOD, the genealogy websites quickly changed his DOD to Dec. 14, 2012.
Her husband’s name was Michael Oldak
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U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current
Death, Burial, Cemetery & Obituaries
Name: Christa McAuliffe
Birth: 2 Sep 1948 – Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA
Death: 28 Jan 1986 – Cape Canaveral, Brevard County, Florida, USA
Other: Concord, Merrimack County, New Hampshire, USA
U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current
Death, Burial, Cemetery & Obituaries
Name: Sharon Christa McAuliffe
Birth: 2 Sep 1948 – Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA
Death: 28 Jan 1986 – Florida, USA
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Yes, bwarerinos, those 2 are burial/grave notices for Sharon (Christa) McAuliffe. But look at the entry after those two: It’s a SSDI for “Sha McAuliffe,” with Christa’s birthdate and a Jan. 1986 date of death. Why U.S. Social Security had her first name as Sha, only SS knows!
I see what you are saying. It’s all quite questionable. I will keep searching. Thank you for your perseverance!
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I’m thinking that blowing 7 people up would suffice as an excuse to not send humans into space again so as to delay the inevitable realisation that Armstrong and his boys didn’t go anywhere near the moon. My 2 cents :)
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THey’ve been rolling out doppelgangers at least since WWII probably before. Check out Leslie Howard’s (actor in Gone with the Wind) mysterious plane crash while impersonating Winston Churchill. In 60’s The “sound” studio where Beatles reappeared around Sgt. Pepper time was government run – sort of like google and most tech firms of today; Paul (at least) was replaCIAed by a CIAlebrity (all these doppels and memes are part of the social engineering agenda promotion and also psyops for shock value). Check this out: for list of probable dop’s. PS – for those of you who rely on Wikipedia – you’re kidding – right ? It’s the Matrix encyclopedia and only to be used as a last resort. All the techie firms and social media are run by the same people who run the regular MSM, Big Pharma, Defense Industry, Entertainment, and the ‘government’. Google was govt created. But this is GREAT – I didn’t know about the Challenger and I’m glad that Armstrong had some respect for the Bible in his own way.
Dr Eowyn, the article was originally written by Darrell Foss in January 2015 and posted to
He ran the article past those of us that are his Facebook friends weeks earlier and did much more research immediately after the’s the link where they gave him credit for the story:
Darrell is a very intelligent and resourceful person Dr Eowyn. As well he is a very personable character with a very easy to get along with attitude. Darrell feels that he deserves credit mention for this as it took him some time to develop and write the story. If you would care to meet him, I am sure that you both would have a lot of interesting things to share and make great points and discovery in. I urge you to give him credit to the story. You will find him to be an asset in terms of friendships and as they are.
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Thank you, Mr. Copeland. I meant no disrespect to Darrell Foss. I will insert into my post a reference to him and his article.
This is the sentence I inserted into my post after the paragraph “That is the contention of simonshack and other contributors on the chat forum, They claim 6 of the 7 Challenger crew members are still alive; some even kept their names. Here’s their evidence.”:
“Note: referenced a short article by Darrell Foss on Opob News, “Was the Challenger disaster a hoax?,” March 2015, as their first source.”
this is too far fetched, why doesn’t someone obtain dna, that would settle it once and for all
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How about you obtain the DNA data, uh?
obtain dna from the “alleged” survivors and from living relatives of the astronauts themselves, if they are the survivors there would be a match!!
Obviously, that would be ideal. But unless the families of the Challenger crew volunteer, no one except a court can compel them to submit samples of their DNA. Do you seriously think that will happen?
I don’t know, have they been asked? If there was a possibility of establishing if a loved one was alive I think most people would!
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Perhaps the family already knows…like those in Sandy Hook Think about it.
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It is said ears are like fingerprints. The ears are different on the elder vs younger people.
Not the same people.
How can you tell? The photographers’ angles are different. There’s hair obscuring the ears. The ears of the 2 Judith Resniks and Sharon McAuliffes aren’t even visible. I marvel at your certainty.
ZOOM IN on the sharpest portraits you can find. Are the ears altered via Photoshop (the way other Hoax participants have been altered)? That is done to disguise the real identity of Crisis Actors.
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My first thought when I read this weeks ago was that it was done for trauma based programming directed at children (among other reasons listed by others), I would imagine thousands of children were glued to the TV either at home or at school watching this unfold LIVE because of the teacher on board the shuttle. No time to filter out or decide if this was appropriate for children to be watching. They already watched it live and would have that image and the associated horror imprinted on their young minds forever.
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If you think THAT was traumatic for kids, imagine what the (fake boogeyman) “Adam Lanza” did to their minds. “Adam Lanza” was manufactured in Photoshop to traumatize/terrify 300 million parents and kids into thinking “guns are evil; bad people have guns.”
That’s why the US Government designed “Adam Lanza” to look like a ghostly serial killer psycho.
26 Death Certificates are still MISSING in the Sandy Hoax soap opera.
Make that 28 death certificates still missing!
20 supposedly dead Sandy Hook Elementary School kids + 6 supposedly dead Sandy Hook Elementary School adults +
Nancy Lanza, supposed mom of supposed Adam + Adam Lanza himself = 28
Jasper: I think the model for “Adam Lanza” was the alien in the Star Trek episode “The Corbomite Maneuver”:
Seriously, check it out — the elongated head, the facial expression, the upturned collar. . .
The similarities are stunning and then to have the same names is more stunning. I’ve done the research and came to the conclusion the moon landings have no basis in reality they are all show and illusion.
Now the space shuttle program. Isn’t it opposite of what advancement that the space program has devolved since the 60’s vs evolved. Another words we landed on the moon in the 60’s, 70’s and now just take little trips outside the atmosphere in the new century.
Now I find out we don’t even do that lol. Thanks for the post you made my day; another achievement relegated to shattered myth.
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Thank you Dr. Eowyn for this fascinating post and for all of your scholarly work. The pictures are amazing and I found matching characteristics in the pictures. Incredible!
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ah space, the satanic & occult involvement in government. Why fake a shuttle disaster? Trauma of course, traumatizing people is one of the ways to ensure they will respond in a given way… Likely the other reaons other commenters have cited are also valid.
Lest we forget, “jack” parsons, a practicing satanist, and buddy of l. ron hubbard, was the founder of the jet propulsion labs. hubbard, parsons and parson’s wife participated in a ritual designed by crowley called “the babalon working” a sex magick rite to summon an old pagan whore deity. Why would a satanist be involved in one (if not more of) the precursors to the “space program”? Because the new antitheist religion of science and the delusion of “aliens” hinged on “space” and the implication that mankind could “get there” (it is much harder to convince people about panspermia theory, or alien travel if they don’t believe even humans can’t leave their own planet.) The concept of man being able to travel “elsewhere” was valuable in setting up the current antitheism system, it, along with flagrant dishonesty in mythology and popularizations of sci-fi all serve to further the agenda of getting people to believe “aliens” are “aliens” and not what they really are… devils. All to aid in a big deception in the long term (of which the doctrine of evolution is also key).
Given the very ridiculed, yet provable presence of the occult in scientific institutions (NASA included, if I remember right.) etc. we shouldn’t be surprised that disaster psychological operations against the general public would be carried out. Aside from traumatizing things, it did put things on hold at NASA, but were they still getting funding? Sure many folks remember “challenger” as a tragedy, but what was the impact of it, what did it make people think at the time? Obviously there was a question of “safety” involved, but that is likely the gloss, what is printed under the gloss, is the real question.
The whole “space/alien” thing is a big deception going on these days, perhaps a ploy will be that “aliens” will show up, claim they are here to help “defend us” from other “bad aliens” who are coming right on their heels, and who knows what manner of things may be foisted upon mankind at that point, perhaps an “ambassador of good will” may get “nominated” to the highest seat in world government… y’know to help ensure “global peace and safety”. But I should be sure to say that is only speculation.
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Thank you, Seumas, for reminding us about Jet Propulsion Lab Jack Parsons and Scientology fraudster L. Ron Hubbard being Aleister Crowley cultists, i.e., satanists.
Seumus !!! YOU ARE AWESOME!! I just shared this with a friend in text. We have been having THIS very convo for the past year!! THIS IS THE SUM TOTAL OF EVERYTHING. You nailed it. One million Thank You’s. HUZZAH! I am not alone in my thinking!
semi related..or maybe entirely related… The djinn/ The demons posing as ‘aliens’ ? well they are closer than people realize I think. The post by Dr. Eowyn featuring the creepy face between the newly married couple? THAT was no baby. THAT was no aborted child. THAT was Djinn. Look again at its distorted features and now look at this below. The marketing pitch of her ‘victimhood’ tells the tale. (The Aliens/Djinn are always pitched as victims to gain our compassion and our consent for anything) Ectodermal Dysplasia? Its invented and rarer than rare. Her photo shoots are anything but benign as well. Most of them are very disturbing and palpably evil.
Keep the duct tape out . . .
Are Christa McAulife and Laurel Clarke are one and the same person?if you look at Christa’s photo from 1986, and Laurel’s from 2003, the similarities are remarkable. No wonder Laurel’s photo was accidentally used in the original post .
And speaking of the the 2003 Columbia disaster . . . no photos of the explosion actually exist. The last known photo of the shuttle intact is a grainy radar shot taken from Kirkland Airforce base minutes before the purported explosion. It all seems very suspect in hindsight.
Great, now they have to relocate…again
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Jasper, it is all relative and cumulative. From a blimp exploding into flames (filled with people) to watching a US President gunned down in broad daylight, to the Challenger, to Sandy Hook to Boston Marathon to the fake riots – one has to come to the conclusion that guns are not the most dangerous thing in our homes. It is the TV.
You have to remember the Challenger was 1986, a time much more innocent, in a way. I don’t know how old you are, but by the time Sandy Hook came out, I knew immediately it was a false flag event. So did many others.
I think the real issue here is we need to find these fakers and bring law suits against them for high treason – participating in these fake events and then stealing money from good hearted, misinformed people who believed these cons. We know about it, somebody knows these people. Put there mug shots on WANTED posters until somebody comes forth – then go to the jury system – forget the regular courts – and throw them in prison. Then get that lawyer who represented (what a joke) Jkohar ( pronounced joker), which leads to Holmes who dressed up like the Joker in the movie theater. It is all a theatrical joke.
Hey, we could start our own TV show – MOST WANTED and hunt them down. The actors, the cops, the media, the lawyers, the judges, maybe we can’t get to the top perps, but it will put a stop to this nonsense and maybe we can get our country back.
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Its great to read somebody who thinks like i do,im from uk,the crisis actors they used for sandy hook were cringe worthy toe curlingly awful.your country has become a huge corrupt cinema complex.!!
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You can’t hunt down or judge anyone who fools you. You can only judge yourself for getting fooled.Did anyone took your own money on 911? A liar alone, technically, is not a criminal, the more not when he opts to act within the permitted law. There are scams operated on the limits of legality and aimed at your walled within more congruous reality than outer space. For that, in case you’ve been conned, you may consider class lawsuit.
Savery, if the fakers should be subject to law suits then start with those mentioned in this very post, the “alleged” survivors
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Neil, I couldn’t agree more. We can’t put wanted posters up in the post office and we can’t get any news sources to report these findings……..but the average person knows 700 people. Somebody knows these people! Somebody knows the guy in Chicago with the goofy cow logo that is screaming to get caught! Somebody knows these fake amputees in Boston, and could testify that they were disabled long before Boston.
Convene a grand jury and put them away. We don’t have TV or media or the post office – but we have the INTERNET. No matter if they leave the country – somebody somewhere knows them. Even if they are in Switzerland. We have an unbelievable power to catch these people no matter where they are using youtube videos or some other means of posting the information so that there is an incentive for people to turn them in. And who would be more motivated than the donors who got duped!
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Thank you Dr Eowyn, Darrell is ecstatic! He’s a deserving gentleman. And so are you Sir! You are a man of high class, thank you, that is a great quality and it is rare. Again. thank you Dr.
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Aw shucks, fritz. I was just doing what’s right.
Please give my best to Darrell. :D
Pingback: Snopes ontkracht bizarre complottheorie dat de bemanning van ruimteveer Challenger nog leeft
Bud, so a pickpocket distracts you and “fools” you and it’s your own fault?
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